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This is a quick overview of my positions on some of the issues that effect our state of Oklahoma. If you have any suggestions, questions or are looking for clarification on something in particular, please free to email me at I would be more then happy to listen to your suggestions or to answer any and all questions.



Budget shortfalls are a result of spending too much money on things that are not needed, ie. Wasteful spending on programs that assist illegal aliens, assist foreign students, assist healthy adult welfare recipients, and much more. Entitlement spending, while increasing fees and taxes on working Oklahoman’s and on businesses inside the state, is wrong and needs to be reformed. We will look at all spending and make cuts to both the entitlements being given out to those who should not and do not deserve to be receiving them, but at the same time encourage job production through increase in businesses coming into our state with implementation of tax and regulation reform and reduction. We will work to reduce the regulatory and restrictive fees and licenses required by the state to open a business in this state. At the same time Small businesses in this state will be give tax reduction to help them grow their businesses across the board. More business equals more tax base, and less spending equals more available funds for truly necessary spending by the state.




The Economy of Oklahoma is poor as a result of a lack of good paying jobs. Industry does not find Oklahoma to be competitive in tax rates, and does not find Oklahoma to be inviting with all of the regulatory restrictions in this state. That has to change. As a result I will push for across the board tax reduction at the Corporate, and property tax levels. I will push for Regulatory reform reducing the amount of regulations on businesses and make Oklahoma a much more business friendly, and Business competitive state to attract more, better paying jobs to this state. At the same time, I will push for Education training so that we have a workforce capable of meeting the needs of any business that wants to locate here. The Economy will improve as people of the state are able to find better employment opportunities.




Common Core, which is the current curriculum being used, is not working. Dropout rates are high, and there is a lack of basic skills coming out of high school. Education in the State of Oklahoma is better decided at the local level. Our school boards need to be directing what is taught to the students at the local level. Parents, and home schoolers need to be included in determining what is being taught to our children. Money is being thrown at the wrong areas. We have a top heavy education system with far too many administration officials and not enough teachers and helpers in the classrooms. Yes administration is necessary, however the imbalance is obvious in some of the school district budgets. What do you think needs to be prioritized? Make suggestions on where you feel your local tax dollars should be going toward education please.




Energy is one of the few industries we have in this state that is still ongoing. With higher taxes, and more regulatory restrictions, we are facing a crisis very soon. There needs to be an overhaul of these regulatory restrictions and we need to encouraging, instead of discouraging, the Energy industry in this state. All sectors of the private industry involved in the exploration, development, transportation, and delivery need to have less burdensome regulatory requirements so we can deliver high quality, low cost energy to the consuming public in this nation.

At the same time however we need to encourage and foster good safe healthy energy exploration. In this state all private energy exploration will be encouraged and fostered to grow so we can grow the economy that is so vitally ties to this industry. What would you like to see for energy policies from your state government?

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